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Friday 9 December 2011

Major Event Log II

4 Dec, Sunday
  1. 6:00 am: Slight cramp, went to poo, then shortly after - "show".
  2. 6:15 am: can't sleep, ate light breakfast, bathe, to prepare to go hospital any time. 
  3. 7:40 am: 1st contraction. poo again. (seems like the contractions is good for pooing!)
  4. 8:40 am: 2nd contraction, another "show". decided to wait for more contractions.
  5. 8:45 am: on PC, started blogging to relieve some tension. Read to distract myself.
  6. 9:00 am: Mucous Plug is out. To continue monitor for more contractions. On music.
  7. 9.15 am: Hubby back from supermarket. Ate carrot cake.
  8. 10:00 am: 2-3 contractions- irregular. each lasted around for 1 min. Felt butterflies in my stomach (like the nervous feeling you had when you for your 1st school exams or whatever test you might be going...) Completed blogging. 
  9. Stayed at home the whole day ....
5 Dec, Monday
    1. 12:00 am+: to hospital
    2. 1:00 am+: Nurse started monitoring, CTG on.
    3. 3:00 am+: CTG off around, advise to sleep till 5 am+
    4. 5:00 am+: CTG on again
    5. 7:00 am+: Doc came and check, options given. Thinking of going back home and come back on 7 Dec or when contractions become stronger but not allowed to go back home. Regretted coming earlier. (cos doc advised me to come for induction on 6 Dec 12 am)
    6. 8:00 am+: Move to room to check to rest and ponder on options.
    7. Options: 1. C-Section immediately, 2. Put on Prostaglandin pills for dilation of cervix (max up to 4 pills) - if all pills fail, then C-section.
    8. After Lunch: Put on 1st pill. Contractions getting more gradually but still irregular.
    9. After Dinner: Put on 2nd pill. Contractions getting more intense after midnight.
    6 Dec, Tuesday
    1. 1:00 - 5:00 am: Quite bearable until 3:00 am when the contractions every 10 mins and then every 5 mins. hub suggested a hot shower to lessen the pain, and apparently it worked. I went on my knees on all fours with some pillows supporting my arms on the floor. Hub reminded me again on my breathing techniques and visualisation. I kept visualising I am floating in the air tied up to a huge balloon and it is carrying me high up and away from the pain ...... as the contractions intensify at my 8th count, I raised up my hands like a conductor in front of an orchestra which helped to alleviate the pain and breathe in deeply. Hub kept stroking my hands to soothe me while I concentrate on the breathing techniques. At one point, I felt like I am getting used to the pain, hub kept repeating "yes, you love contractions as they are helping you to birth the baby...yes you are loving it..." I just repeat whatever my hub said like a mantra and this continue...
    2. Contractions intensify....coming in waves (or think Tsunami?) where there is a peak- where the pain is the greatest and as each wave travel, you can feel the pressure pressing against your lower back, squeezing both your tummy and lower back, as if your tummy is like a packet of chilli sauce, and someone is trying to squeeze through last bits of the chilli sauce. Through the CTG machine, hub is predict the next peak, and alerted me while I make my own breathing preparations and this went on ....
    3. Cervix dilated to 5cm. (yes, I am half way there!) Pethidine was injected at my thigh to lessen the pain  and I continue with my 'contractions journey'.......
    4. 8:00 am+:  doc broke my waterbag to induce labour; put on the drip to intensify the contractions further. ( Just another 4-5 hours more, it would be 10 cm, hang in there!) 
    5. 11:00 am+ (the nurse increase the level of drip gradually throughout): Nurse checked and I have only dilated by 1 more cm. There is not much progress. Then suddenly, baby's heart beat went down to 90 - Fetal distress. Doc immediately asked for a C-section. I looked at hub with the 'laughing gas' mask on my face, nodded my head and that was it. I signed the papers that I agreed with the operation and I was whisked off to the operating theatre. I remembered that I was tearing heavily, overwhelmed with frustration and self-reproach that why can't I just have a natural delivery.
    6. Before I know, I woke up in a dreamy state. I heard voices telling me that the operation was over. My eyes were heavy, but I could tell what was going on...transferred from operating theatre's bed to another bed...went into a lift...voices...hustle and bustle around me...i was moving fast...transferred onto the room's bed....and then my hubby's voice telling me that the baby is fine and doing well. Drank 100ml of milk when they feed her. Must be really hungry after whole night of contractions.
    After thoughts
    I had no regrets as I know I have tried my best. Baby has also tried her best to pass through the pelvic cos apparently her head was elongated and reddish with a circular mark on her forehead. The head went back to normal and mark subsided after a while. 

    It was an emotional ordeal for me cos I didn't expect a C-section (even though Doc did mention to me of the possibility.) I was totally distraught - never did I realise that I did not think of the worst-case scenario (from the very beginning) when I should have done in normal circumstances.

    I know I should not take it to heart, it's not a big deal. The only thing I have to deal with is my expectations.

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