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Saturday, 31 December 2011

Dec 2011

Ups and downs in Dec 2011:
  • Emotional turmoil after delivery
  • 1 week later, father in law down with stroke attack, admitted to hospital, mother in law can't do confinement for me
  • Engaged confinement lady in the last minute - thanks k. for the recommendation
  • 1st 2 days with confinement lady was not too smooth due to some miscommunication
  • pressed on for the sake of my baby 
  • Gets better after the 4th day where she starts learning our habits and I started warming up to her
  • CL cooks well, so I continue eating like a pig, to beef up myself so that I can breastfeed
  • continue to pump milk like a cow
  • hub was stressed - running back and forth - hospital, home and army camp for reservist
  • I was still bleeding from my c-section wound
  • at last hub can defer his reservist after producing gynae's letter
  • Father in law stabilised after 2nd week, but still need to monitor his blood pressure and then go for physiotherapy
  • Bleeding stopped but still feeling painful at the wound
  • Things started getting better, mood was lifted during xmas
  • Enjoying baby's presence - be it crying, pooing or blabbering 
2011 has been a fulfilling year and I had my best present - my daughter. 

Friday, 30 December 2011

Breast Feeding thoughts

Thank goodness for Avent electric pump else I don't know what will happen to my hands.

I had a record of pumping 270 ml (170+100) of milk in one hour today!

Must be the "ngnoh he" bones + green papaya soup, cos usually I produce only about 125 to 170 ml in one hour.

Monday, 26 December 2011

Post Natal Massage

I have yet to go for my post natal massage as I just recovered from my C-section wound bleeding but I can still feel the pain around the area. =(

Guess I just gotta wait 2 month later (ie in Feb 2012) before I can have my massage. The lady mentioned at most 2 months before the massage lost its effectiveness. So now I just put on my abdominal support, at least my tummy doesn't sag so much.

I hope I am still on my way to being a hot mama. '__'

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Christmas 2011

= pumping milk at home
= lying on bed
= no log cake, no turkey only confinement food.

hub bought 2 santa hats - for me and baby to cheer me up.
Took a pic with baby (but I think I look real frumpy to post it online.)

I look forward to next year's xmas - when baby is at least 1 year old ! : )

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Gynae Comparison

My experience with the following doctors:

Gynae Dr Michele Lee Sook Ling Dr Kenneth Edward Lee Dr Fong Yang
1 - Personality Reserved, gentle, assuringJovial, outgoing, chatty, down to earthSteady,meticulous, patient, unassuming,
2 -
Waiting time
half to 45 minutes 15 mins (- if you have appointment and you are on time) to half hour  one hour 
3 -


Pro natural 


IVF Programmes

Pro natural
4 -
Consultation charges^
$80 per visit  $80 per visit  $100 per visit

Just my opinion. -__-

- I see Dr Fong Yang only once to date as Dr K.E. Lee is on vacation after my delivery and Dr Fong is his "back-up".
^ May be subjected to changes, packages to check with clinic

I wonder why most gynaes doesn't really tell you much - unless you ask. Are they afraid that we have information overload and worry too much if they tell us more?
Conclude: We just gotta read and find out more ourselves too. Think I read, but still insufficient. 

What I can say now is feeling comfortable with your gynae is important, but it is also equally important that one gets a gynae who has similar birth values as you. 

Monday, 12 December 2011

My Tollyjoy Stuff Pix

With reference to this, here it is:

Still look new except for some yellowish stains  along the lining.
Is it still selling at $2.95 at Metro ? heh.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Major Event Log II

4 Dec, Sunday
  1. 6:00 am: Slight cramp, went to poo, then shortly after - "show".
  2. 6:15 am: can't sleep, ate light breakfast, bathe, to prepare to go hospital any time. 
  3. 7:40 am: 1st contraction. poo again. (seems like the contractions is good for pooing!)
  4. 8:40 am: 2nd contraction, another "show". decided to wait for more contractions.
  5. 8:45 am: on PC, started blogging to relieve some tension. Read to distract myself.
  6. 9:00 am: Mucous Plug is out. To continue monitor for more contractions. On music.
  7. 9.15 am: Hubby back from supermarket. Ate carrot cake.
  8. 10:00 am: 2-3 contractions- irregular. each lasted around for 1 min. Felt butterflies in my stomach (like the nervous feeling you had when you for your 1st school exams or whatever test you might be going...) Completed blogging. 
  9. Stayed at home the whole day ....
5 Dec, Monday
    1. 12:00 am+: to hospital
    2. 1:00 am+: Nurse started monitoring, CTG on.
    3. 3:00 am+: CTG off around, advise to sleep till 5 am+
    4. 5:00 am+: CTG on again
    5. 7:00 am+: Doc came and check, options given. Thinking of going back home and come back on 7 Dec or when contractions become stronger but not allowed to go back home. Regretted coming earlier. (cos doc advised me to come for induction on 6 Dec 12 am)
    6. 8:00 am+: Move to room to check to rest and ponder on options.
    7. Options: 1. C-Section immediately, 2. Put on Prostaglandin pills for dilation of cervix (max up to 4 pills) - if all pills fail, then C-section.
    8. After Lunch: Put on 1st pill. Contractions getting more gradually but still irregular.
    9. After Dinner: Put on 2nd pill. Contractions getting more intense after midnight.
    6 Dec, Tuesday
    1. 1:00 - 5:00 am: Quite bearable until 3:00 am when the contractions every 10 mins and then every 5 mins. hub suggested a hot shower to lessen the pain, and apparently it worked. I went on my knees on all fours with some pillows supporting my arms on the floor. Hub reminded me again on my breathing techniques and visualisation. I kept visualising I am floating in the air tied up to a huge balloon and it is carrying me high up and away from the pain ...... as the contractions intensify at my 8th count, I raised up my hands like a conductor in front of an orchestra which helped to alleviate the pain and breathe in deeply. Hub kept stroking my hands to soothe me while I concentrate on the breathing techniques. At one point, I felt like I am getting used to the pain, hub kept repeating "yes, you love contractions as they are helping you to birth the baby...yes you are loving it..." I just repeat whatever my hub said like a mantra and this continue...
    2. Contractions intensify....coming in waves (or think Tsunami?) where there is a peak- where the pain is the greatest and as each wave travel, you can feel the pressure pressing against your lower back, squeezing both your tummy and lower back, as if your tummy is like a packet of chilli sauce, and someone is trying to squeeze through last bits of the chilli sauce. Through the CTG machine, hub is predict the next peak, and alerted me while I make my own breathing preparations and this went on ....
    3. Cervix dilated to 5cm. (yes, I am half way there!) Pethidine was injected at my thigh to lessen the pain  and I continue with my 'contractions journey'.......
    4. 8:00 am+:  doc broke my waterbag to induce labour; put on the drip to intensify the contractions further. ( Just another 4-5 hours more, it would be 10 cm, hang in there!) 
    5. 11:00 am+ (the nurse increase the level of drip gradually throughout): Nurse checked and I have only dilated by 1 more cm. There is not much progress. Then suddenly, baby's heart beat went down to 90 - Fetal distress. Doc immediately asked for a C-section. I looked at hub with the 'laughing gas' mask on my face, nodded my head and that was it. I signed the papers that I agreed with the operation and I was whisked off to the operating theatre. I remembered that I was tearing heavily, overwhelmed with frustration and self-reproach that why can't I just have a natural delivery.
    6. Before I know, I woke up in a dreamy state. I heard voices telling me that the operation was over. My eyes were heavy, but I could tell what was going on...transferred from operating theatre's bed to another bed...went into a lift...voices...hustle and bustle around me...i was moving fast...transferred onto the room's bed....and then my hubby's voice telling me that the baby is fine and doing well. Drank 100ml of milk when they feed her. Must be really hungry after whole night of contractions.
    After thoughts
    I had no regrets as I know I have tried my best. Baby has also tried her best to pass through the pelvic cos apparently her head was elongated and reddish with a circular mark on her forehead. The head went back to normal and mark subsided after a while. 

    It was an emotional ordeal for me cos I didn't expect a C-section (even though Doc did mention to me of the possibility.) I was totally distraught - never did I realise that I did not think of the worst-case scenario (from the very beginning) when I should have done in normal circumstances.

    I know I should not take it to heart, it's not a big deal. The only thing I have to deal with is my expectations.

    Tuesday, 6 December 2011


    Finally I have delivered today.

    Method: caesarean
    Why caesarean: cervix dilated to 5-6cm. Can't continue further as baby is in distressed. So after 1.5 days of induction, I gotta go through caesarean.

    Overwhelemed with all sorts of emotions. Gotta sort out all negativity and get over it soon. I know I am getting really emotional - my pragmatism is fighting against this emotional turmoil. My frustration is beyond what I can imagine buy I know I gotta look forward.

    Hopefully it will be over soon.

    Will definitely do a proper update once my condition and situation has stabilised.

    P/s: after all said and done, I am glad that I did my breathing and visualisation exercises which has tide me over 1.5 days of intense contractions without epidural (which I have been working on- natural without epidural).of course, I gotta thank my hubby for being super supportive throughout the whole process.

    Monday, 5 December 2011


    Checked in hospital after 1 day of monitoring after show. Reality bites. Going for induction after whole night of irregular contractions.either baby's head will engage and contractions follow or c-section. Pray that everything goes well. 😔

    Sunday, 4 December 2011

    Eliminate Fear (of child birth)

    I refuse to believe that I can't go through natural delivery without epidural (although there is nothing wrong with medical interventions but it's just me. I do not want any) given that my mum can do it (cos at that time, everything was simple- and that's the key - Simple - know nothing, bring in No fear. and just do it!), so can everyone else. I mean, ok, I am stubborn but I just know I gotta do it, else I would regret. Reading hannabi's and verieying's comments are comforting and inspirational to me. 

    I have been reading the following books and I highly recommend HypnoBirthing: The Mongan Method - if one doesn't have time or doesn't want to read too much, this one book is something you could count on. (Yes, it 's kindda "intensive" reading for me but I know I need to do it. I wish I could discover much earlier then again, but NOW than never.)


    Eliminate fear cos Fear > Tension > Pain (theory pioneered by Dr Grantly Dick-Read)- and the cycle goes on.

    We have natural endorphins and they are 200 times (!) better than morphins as painkillers. 

    "To those who say it is just not possible to birth naturally and without pain, I say, "But what if we're right? Wouldn't it be wonderful?" Lorne R.Campbell, M.D.

    The power of mind: "The mind is capable of anything - because everything is in it. All the past, as well as all the future." - Joseph Conrad.

    Conditioning of your body and mind = stress-free

    Powerful Laws of the mind- The Laws of: --
    1. Pyscho-physical : Mind > Body >Action (think:Pavolv's experiment with dogs)
    2. Harmonious Attraction: Words > Feelings > Beliefs > Behaviour > Success/Failure
    3. Repetition: Repeat positive thinking (see2)
    4. Motivation: Focus ! (think: sportsmanship) Mind Focus on winning> No pain stimuli > No pain !

    4 Techniques:
    1. Breathing - 1. Sleep Breathing, 2. Slow Breathing 3. Birth Breathing
    2. Relaxation - facial, body, "limp", Light Touch Massage
    3. Visualisation - floating in the mist on the 7 colours of rainbow, visualise the lower circular muscles as soft, satin ribbons, flexible and totally non resistant to the draw of the upper muscles.
    4. Deepening - Glove techniques, Depthometer, Time Distortion

    1. Practice of Opening: to relax and open your body
    2. Womb Breathing: energy breathing for childbirth
    3. Giving and Receiving: brings healing to childbirth

    ......."Feel your womb and cervix holding your child. At the right time , your womb will start to felx and your cervix will begin to respond, slowly opening, progressively releasing new life. 
    The baby's head will then move down through the birth canal. The pelvis will work with the womb, yielding to growth and change. 
    These are the strongest muscles in your body, fully capable of birthing your baby. Relax any abdominal tension caused by anxiety. Practice relaxing the outer and inner muscles that cradle your child. Surrender into the full support of life. Trust your ability to change. Prepare to give birth to your child............"

    True Stories:
    1. Birthing naturally with a midwife
    2. Birthing naturally with a physician
    3. Birthing naturally with a doula
    4. Birthing naturally unassisted
    5. Birthing naturally the first time or the next time

    For me, I jump into reading some stories in 2. and 5. just to give me some insight.

    - Be calm and relaxed
    - Do not rush immediately to hospital, check for signs.
    - Birth plan (I think for me I told gynae I want natural but still "play by ear")
    - Supportive husband
    - Focus on your mind, instead of the pain
    - Is birth like sex? (haha, it can be!)

    For now, what I have to do is to believe and count on my inner strength to go through this journey smoothly.

    Update - 9.15am: 
    And hanaabi's comments on visualisation reassured me and of course, and as I was typing, I experienced another "show" and mucous plug (sticky red lump) is out. And this confirms that my belief in speaking to the baby and constant visualisation works in communicating with the baby. So labour is on the way-no induction *fingers-crossed*; I gotta monitor for more contractions before heading to the hospital. Yes, I will Jia You (加油) !!

    Friday, 2 December 2011

    You've Got A Friend - Stacy Kent

    Something to perk myself up, soothe my soul for now.

    Baby you are my friend. You understand mummy ya?

    Thursday, 1 December 2011

    Weight and baby position as at 1 December 2011

    I am 61.7 kg today !

    Baby = 3.3 kg (base on my own est. this time -given the last few figures, cos gynae didn't mention her weight this time and I didn't bother to probe further cos I will get worried with the size for delivery.)

    Position: Her head is now facing downwards (yeay!) but her head is not fully engaged. It is at station -2 so she has 2 more steps to go to station 0. :(

    Pelvic Station
    EDD date is 5 Dec (previously was 7 Dec but gynae checked and it should be 2 days earlier) but the amniotic fluid is considerably lesser than last week. Then again, if I were to go under induction now, it is not too good as the head is not fully engaged - thus having a 50%-50% of a successful natural delivery and might need a c-section. Gynae also mentioned my pelvis might be too small for baby to come out after gynae did a vaginal examination. :( :(

    I was feeling terribly frustrated and upset so I hope by speaking to baby, she understands how I feel and what I am going through. Hub has also been speaking to her too... I just gotta tell myself not to be overly negative else baby will get the negative vibes which is unhealthy.

    Tuesday, 29 November 2011

    Maternity Shoot - Photos Out !

    Hello Baby !
    Nice pinkie bootie for you. Do you know it's mummy's bootie once upon a time?

    Mummy will love  and protect you. ; )

     Daddy will love and protect you too ; )

    These are some of my personal favourites. Meanwhile, I am still pending for some editing works from DT. ^__^

    Monday, 28 November 2011

    Water Birth

    I read about water birth few months ago from a book I borrowed from the library. However, I didn't give much thoughts but recently I chanced upon some posts from the forum.

    At first I thought water birth is not available in Singapore. But water birth is actually available in Singapore, but not many people chose it cos it is not widely practiced in Singapore. One also has to understand the pros and cons of water birth.

    In Singapore, the following hospitals have water birth facilities (as at of current updates):
    • Mount Alvernia Hospital
    • National University Hospital
    • Thomson Medical Centre
    One also must note that it is essential that one needs to have a doula should you wish to opt for water birth.

    And it is recommended that one goes for hypnobirthing classes if you are into water birth.

    The following are some of the places that teaches hypnobirthing:
    1. BabyBliss
    2. ParentLink
    3. Four Trimesters

    Channelnewsasia Article: 14 November 2009 on hypnobirthing:
    Hypnobirthing ensures pain-free childbirth for some
    By Venessa Lee, TODAY | Posted: 14 November 2009 1009 hrs
     SINGAPORE: Ms Regina Lim gave birth to her daughter in circumstances starkly different from most other women's.

    "Actually, childbirth is not painful," said the 34-year-old, referring to her pain-free labour with Hannah and contrasting it with her experience giving birth to her two older boys, where labour had been induced.

    Describing her daughter's birth at Mount Alvernia Hospital on February 20, Ms Lim said: "It's almost like your body's trying to do a split for you. If you just relax, it will gradually, over four or five hours, get into the 'split' position." Labour had been "fun", added the property analyst.

    Ms Lim had practised hypnobirthing - a technique she credited with helping ensure a pain-free birth - with the help of her doula, Ms Ginny Phang. In ancient Greek, the word "doula" meant a woman of service. Today, a doula is a professional who assists women during childbirth, providing practical and emotional support.

    Actress Nicole Kidman was reported to have had a doula at the birth of her daughter Sunday Rose last year.

    Dr T C Chang, a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at Thomson Medical Centre, told Weekend Today that hypnobirthing "can reduce the need for pain relief." "Some patients will tell you ... they didn't feel pain. Others will say the pain was reduced markedly", obviating the use of pain relief during labour, according to Dr Chang, who said that 15 to 20 per cent of his patients use doulas.

    Hypnobirthing, which can comprise visual and auditory cues, is "a mind-body technique to teach women to relax during labour," said Ms Phang, who owns FourTrimesters, a firm that offers doula services.

    According to another doula, Ms Kiki Porter Wolff, hypnobirthing "is mind over matter, the mind controls how the body reacts. It won't get rid of the pain per se but it reduces the pain to nothing but an irritability."

    Said Dr Chang: "They don't even use the word 'pain' ... they refer to every contraction as a 'surge'."

    Ms Lim was part of a small but growing group of women who employ doulas, who number fewer than 20 in Singapore.

    Ms Di Bustamante, the director of ParentLink, a company whose services include doula and pregnancy-related services, said the firm provides doula services for eight to 10 births a month, compared with five or six such births per month, two years ago.

    About half her clientele are expats and half are locals, she said.

    The numbers involved are still tiny, however. Since 2007, for example, KK Women's and Children's Hospital "has received two requests for the assistance of a doula, during delivery", according to Ms Paulin Koh, deputy director, nursing, at the hospital's delivery suite.

    Ms Lim said: "In previous births, I had difficulty in getting what I wanted because I was in labour and (not in a fit state to) argue with doctors and nurses, and I wanted an advocate."

    Ms Lim said her "advocate", the doula, Ms Phang, advised on matters such as when to lie down and when to walk around, and when to go to the hospital when labour had advanced. "When you're pushing the baby out, someone will, invariably, in all the births, say something like 'Shut up and push!' I will usually tell the nurse, 'you shut up'. Now I have Ginny helping me to glare at her," she quipped.

    Having the kind of birth they want - which often excludes pain relief - is important for clients of doulas. "

    Some doctors don't even allow birth plans. We often have people switching to us because they can't have a birth plan," said Ms Wolff, who, besides being a doula, is also a trained nurse and midwife.

    For Ms Lim, as with many people who opt for doulas, having a natural, drug-free birth was crucial, especially after her unhappiness over her second son, Rupert, having to be delivered via an emergency Caesarean section six years ago.

    "I felt that birthing, like eating or sleeping ... or having sex, should be something that your body is designed to do. I wanted to have a natural birth. I felt that this is the normal way to give birth," she said, in contrast to "interventionist" societal norms regarding childbirth.

    In opting to give birth without drugs, Ms Lim is in a distinct minority. With regard to the women who give birth at Singapore General Hospital (SGH), for example, "over 90 per cent opt for pain relief", according to Dr Tan Lay Kok, senior consultant at SGH's department of obstetrics and gynaecology. The three forms of pain medication commonly used are epidurals, pethidine injections and Entonox gas.

    "In Singapore, all births are pretty much looked at as requiring medical attention ... a medical event, not a normal physiological event," said Ms Bustamante, a doula herself, stating views similar to other doulas'. Citing the use of painkiller drugs as an example of a medicalised approach, she added: "Some doctors want to release the membranes, break the waters routinely, halfway through labour."

    Asked separately by Weekend Today whether obstetricians in Singapore were generally too interventionist in childbirth, Dr Tan of SGH said: "Obstetricians have their patients' and their babies' best interests at heart. It is in this context that any intervention is discussed with the patient, taking into account both maternal and fetal considerations, and assessing the pros and cons of the intervention."

    Dr Tan added: "Labour is usually managed actively in hospitals, and if the progress of labour is slow, the obstetrician may suggest breaking the waters to help augment the uterine contractions."

    Ms Bustamante also said: "Many doctors require that women give birth on the bed on her back. This position is not conducive to an easy birth. It fights gravity and can cause perineum tearing."

    She added that "using a birth stool, squatting, (being on) all fours, even standing are much better positions as this allows the pelvis to open an additional 30 per cent".

    Asked separately about which birthing position is best, Professor Chong Yap Seng of National University Hospital (NUH), said that would depend on the individual; it would be "the position that you feel most able to push when you're in the second stage of labour".

    "The training all over the world is like this: Most doctors are trained with an active management mindset. Some of the policies may seem a bit too cautious to laymen," he said, in reference to queries about medical intervention in childbirth.

    However, as doctors are privy to "very bad outcomes" that may occur even with normal pregnancies, "we actually like to err on the side of caution", said Prof Chong, senior consultant at NUH's department of obstetrics and gynaecology.

    Whichever birthing method women choose, there is perhaps one universal constant in all new births. In 30 years of nursing, "I've seen thousands of deliveries", said Ms Wolff, "newborn babies always look like their fathers." She reckons it's a way for fathers to bond with their new babies, even though their children's features will soon shift and change.

    - TODAY/sc
    I contacted Ms Ginny Phang to find out more about hypnobirthing and she was very prompt in answering my questions. I was thinking if I should go for a intensive course on hypnobirthing (given that I am into full term and I might go into delivery anytime soon) - even if I don't go for water birth, it would probably help in relieving some pain during delivery.

    According to her, she has worked with Dr Paul Tseng and Dr Lai Fon-Min at Mount Alvernia on water birth.

    I checked with my gynae and he was not into water birth as he believes the more "established, traditonal methods". Of course, he also shared the pros and cons of water birth with me but he mentioned that if I am really keen on water birth, he could refer me to doctors who are practicing it. 

    In the end, I decided that I don't want to go through the stress of having to go for an intensive course and water birth. I was thinking if I had more time, I would probably have signed up. For now, feeling relaxed is my top agenda. Anyway, now I just gotta count on my breathing techniques I learnt during parentcraft lessons and hubby's support (to remind and reassure me!) during the delivery.

    Saturday, 26 November 2011

    Weird Habit?

    Does any mummy has the weird habit of smelling your bolster while sleeping?

    I have actually stopped after I went to high school but I discover that the smell (er, not to sound too yucky but is your own unique smell la) seems to helps to soothe my nausea feeling in my 1st trimester and currently the Braxton Hicks contractions which I have been experiencing more lately. To put it simply, it's like your "smelly pillow" (臭臭)  one might have during the childhood days.

    I hope I am not the only weird mummy. =}

    Thursday, 24 November 2011

    Coconut Juice II

    This is my 4th (and final) week of drinking young coconut juice.

    Seems like hub has learnt how to chop the coconut:
    1. Use a scissors to cut/scrape off the husk so as to expose it
    2. Once you see an small opening (between the husk and the white flesh lining), use a knife to knock it and lift the husk up.
    3. 5 mins -done !
    If really all else fails, just get it off the drinks store at the food centre.

    So now is like counting down to the D-elivery day. hmm.

    Food Cravings List II

    A follow up to my previous post :
    1. Cha-Siew Ramen
    2. Mee Siam
    3. Mee Rebus
    4. Ayam Penyet
    5. Chicken mushroom pie/puff
    6. Kuay Zup
    7. Roast Pork rice
    8. Subway sandwiches
    9. Pear
    10. Assorted cookies 

    Weight and baby position as at 24 November 2011

    I am 60.70 kg today !
    Baby = 3.043 kg

    Baby has grown about 300 g in a week !

    Position: Head down but still facing upwards, then again today is more towards the side so hopefully she is on her way to face down ...

    Wednesday, 23 November 2011

    Nestle Baby Club

    Nestle Baby Club
    I happened to sign up with Nestle as a member of the baby club where they had a road show last weekend at City Square Mall. So today I received this Welcome message.

    It is quite informative - I like The Baby Book and the Recipe book.

    Gotta explore more !

    Monday, 21 November 2011

    Similac Package

    I received Similac mummy's package today ! Super efficient, I must say.

    The package includes:
    • Similac Mum powder sachet (hopefully I don't react to the powder this time)
    • A cute teddy bear T-shirt for baby (suppose to be socks but I think ran out of stocks)
    • Abbott Discount Voucher $3 off (er... $3 off is better than S-26 with $2 off but I think this discount doesn't really make any difference ...)
    • Abbott Nutrition pamphlets/ Information Leaflet (ok, quite informative, know the products better)
    • Baby Guide Book (Physical milestones from birth- yrs, Weaning guide for baby's 1st yr, Managing common childhood problems, Stooling Patterns)
    • Tips for Successful Breastfeeding (Nutrition for baby. Answering baby's call, Latching on, Getting to know your baby enough, Signs of Healthy Feedings, Myths about nutrition during breastfeeding.)
    Gotta read more on the guide book and tips on breastfeeding !

    Sunday, 20 November 2011

    Maternity Shoot

    I managed to get in touch with DT via forum and we finally meet today at the studio for maternity photo shoots. Geez, it somehow reminds me of taking wedding photos.

    I am glad he is quite jovial person, so you feel happy and comfy with him snapping. It helps that he is going to be a daddy soon, so he shares your joy.  Although I was quite tense in the beginning, thinking how to pose properly, I get more "warmed up" after some shots. Fortunately, hub managed to make me smile more naturally by giving me very "artistic" instructions.

    The best part is that the maternity shoots are complimentary (ok, cheapo me again) as he is building his portfolio. Well, I have checked out some budding amateur photographers, and I think he should do fine.

    Photos will be out in about 2 weeks time - I guess by that time, I should be in the delivery room, already resting at the hospital ward/home with my little babe or just on the verge of pushing?..haa.

    Hopefully the pictures will turn out well so that I can (or dare to) post them online ...^__^

    Saturday, 19 November 2011

    Occipito Posterior Position

    Gynae said baby is in Occipito Posterior Position.

    Urgh! Now that the baby's head is down, her head/face is facing upwards instead of downwards.

    Gynae is quite humorous...he said baby is smart - wanna look upwards for nicer scenery rather than mummy's bottom. =|

    Baby, could you do mummy a favour - please face downwards ?

    Weight as at 19 Nov 2011

    I am 60.20 kg today !
    Baby = 2.7 kg
    Growing steadily ;)

    Friday, 18 November 2011

    Waking Up at Night

    Usually, the waking hours are in in the combination as follows - 2 or 3 times:
    1. 2+am
    2. 4-5+am
    1. 1+am
    2. 3+am
    3. 5+am
    Either to pee or to eat some light stuff. I think since week 36+ onwards, I wake up just to pee or just drink water cos it so damn hot and I felt so dehydrated (even if I on the air-con cos the air is too dry!).

    The irritating part is I can't sleep immediately after I wake up, especially when I wake up at 5+am. This timing is like "不三不四 " (chinese colloquial: neither here nor there) when I have to get up to work around 7:00 am. So you can imagine the number of times I overslept ! =\

    Thursday, 17 November 2011

    Feeling Nervous

    Just gotta know that some fellow mummies in has just given birth/ going to be induced soon ..... and I am getting nervous.

    I think baby can feel that too cos she moves quite a bit and soon after I went to the toilet to poo. eeks ! (I always get that when I feel nervous, hopefully I don't do that in the delivery room.......)

    Wednesday, 16 November 2011

    Cordlife vs Stemcord (Cord Blood Banking) ? - II

    Further analysis:

    Main DifferencesCordlifeStemcord
    1. AccreditationAABB (American Association of Blood Banks)FACT-NetCord (Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy and NetCord)
    2. Storage no. of bagsStore in only 1 bagStore in 2 bags (50%/50%)
    3. Storage LocationStore in 1 locationStore bags in 2 different location respectively
    4. Stem Cell processing techniquesSepax Automated Stem Cell Processing SystemPartially automated + manual process

    automated: extraction of red blood cells, white blood cells and plasma

    manual process: via hands in a Laminar Flow Cabinet in a sterile environment
    5. Pricing*
    Cordlife Pricelist 2011

    has annual, 10yr, and 21 yr plan
    Stemcord Pricelist 2011

    has annual and 5 yr plan.
    extension is subjected to price changes, - in event of a price increase, it is capped at a max of 10% increase.

    *Actually, after comparing the figures for a 10-year plan, there is not much differences unless there is a promotional rate during a seminar/roadshow. 

    Note: Rates might differ in seminars of different period. (they might compensate you with vouchers, free gifts etc.

    Questions you might ask yourself:
    1. How many years are you signing up for and why?
    2. Are you willing to take the risks of storing stem cells in 1 bag? then again, is there a guarantee that the doctor will only use 1 bag only and left  the other as a "spare"? (Note that once a bag is used, it cannot be "refrigerated" again.)
    3. What are the chances of the security being compromised (ie is storing in 1 location acceptable for you)?
    4. Are you comfortable with their processing techniques? Then again, what are the chances of the quality being compromised given the accreditation?
    There are only 2 companies doing Cord Blood Banking so I must say, they each have their own strengths and weaknesses and it just depends on how you view/weigh them. Again, it is like an insurance.

    Tuesday, 15 November 2011

    Maternity Leave

    I still have 5 days annual leave to clear and I think I will carry it forward to next year. Well, my initial plans is to be on leave from 21 November and onwards but let see how it goes. Maybe I will work until I really can't take it anymore? I can't imagine me staying at home resting and then thinking of labour....then again, sometimes I just feel so sian ..wanna just laze around and do nothing, blast music, read some books or thrashy magazines...hmm.

    I hope I can clear the important outstanding things and attend whatever boring teleconferencing by this week, at least I can feel at ease.

    Monday, 14 November 2011


    Just received a newsletter from GOO.N diapers.

    GOO.N Swimpants Carton Deal & GOO.N Supreme Diapers/Pants Lucky Draw Week 3‏

    So cute ya?
    But I can't buy too many diapers now. So far I only bought 1 pack to try and also samples from Huggies and Drypers. Seems like MamyPoko only restrict samples given to Malaysians only. Have to call up and ask tomorrow...

    Braxton Hicks Contractions - How does it feel like ?

    hub kept asking me if I experience any Braxton Hicks Contraction lately, and then I realise that I actually don't really know how does it feel although I know it theoretically.

    I started googling and I saw several descriptions contributed by mummies here.

    Seems like I also had some BHC too cos I can relate to the following experiences - (actually quite similar to what I have described in this post especially the hard time breathing and that tummy feels hard!) :

    My stomach feels hard as a rock when I get them. And I have a hard time breathing when I get it too. Mine last at least a minute and it's hard to move during it. They do make you feel like you got to pee, even if you don't have too. Hope this helps. posted 09/04/2007 by littlemegs22
    first, your stomache will get really hard... sencond, your feel your stomache push out... third, after about 15-14 seconds-it slowly softens back... sometimes it puts a sharp pressure into your back... and in my case... Ive wet myself a few times... they mostly uncomfy unless your back is being pressed on... hope my exprience helps you.posted 09/03/2007 by therex4xu 
    My tummy gets hard and there's a shooting pain from my upper belly down to my vagina posted 09/08/2007 by BabyCenter Member 
    Another way to describe it is that it feels like the baby is balling up and pushing out on your belly. For my first pregnancy, I assumed for weeks that my son was just balling up and I was just feeling him put pressure on my stomach for a minute. I found out at the very end of my pregnancy that these were Braxton Hicks! I am now on my second pregnancy at 28 weeks and just started feeling the Braxton Hicks again this past week. posted 10/01/2007 by Morgan_Hill_Mom 

    I hope baby can stay in tummy till early Dec. -__-

    Sunday, 13 November 2011

    my mini CD collection

    Finally finish burning 168 songs in a CD to bring to the hospital. phew! These songs can last me about 10.8 hours. Hopefully that is sufficient to soothe my mixed emotions then. =|

    Food Cravings List

    My food cravings since pregnancy:

    1. Char Kuay Teow
    2. Hokkien Mee
    3. minced meat noodle
    4. minced meat 
    5. Peanuts/Ground nuts
    6. Popiah
    7. Rojak
    8. Yam cake
    9. Carrot cake
    10. Zhu Chang fen 
    11. Zui Kway
    12. Tau Suan
    13. Mango/fruit cake
    14. Swiss roll
    15. Waffles (with chocolate or peanut fillings)
    16. Soup (Melon, Lotus, practically any type of soup)
    17. Coco Crunch 
    18. Sugar Cane drink
    19. Yammi Yogurt (Peach Flavour)
    20. Orange juice
    will update again if there is anymore....

    Buffet Town

    Purpose: Celebrate my dad's birthday in advance (in case I deliver early...)
    Experience: Very full, food not as fantastic as I thought. Rojak is nice but a bit cold. Love the waffle and cakes. Winter melon and veg soup is tasty. Soya bean drink is very fresh (but would be good if they have warm version too.) 
    Additional remarks: Can't eat raw stuff - so Sashimi is out. Can't eat crab (old folks say better don't eat), ice-cream (too cold, so eat a super small spoonful). Can't stand prawn now so didn't eat.

    Hope baby weight is still within 3kg. =|

    Saturday, 12 November 2011

    Parenthood Fair 2011

    Parenthood Fair 2011 @ Expo

    Was at the Parenthood Fair@Expo and I bought the following:

    • AVENT Steriliser Set - $135
    • 2 nursing wear (suitable for office) -($25 each) $50
    • Goo.N Diapers (New Born 58pcs; with 2 complimentary samples) - $14 (just get 1 pack to in case this brand is not suitable for baby. Actually wanted to get pampers but it is lined with aloe vera. Ironically, aloe vera is supposed to soothe the baby's skin so it should be better, but hub is afraid baby might react to aloe vera. urgh...whatever.) 
    • Cordlife - ??? (gotta do further analysis....gotta make a decision soon.) 
    • Post-Natal Massage - ??? (in process of getting feedbacks, advice....)

    Thursday, 10 November 2011

    Coconut juice

    This is my 2nd week of drinking young coconut juice.

    Why drink? - Some older folks claim that by drinking, the baby will come out in a very "clean" condition.
    Read through forums and mothers have also justify the claim. My colleagues also recommended from experience.

    When to start? - 1 month before the EDD.

    How frequent? - Once a week until the EDD

    Where to get? - Any major supermarkets- look out for "Young Coconut" tag/label or check hawker centre drinks stall 

    How to chop? - With a big parang knife. else the husk is really beyond your strength unless you are some experienced butcher/coconut seller or really has big muscles for it =) 

    My experience:
    I just drink about 1/2 to 3/4 of the coconut juice cos I feel that my stomach gets a tad "chilly" (or "liang2" in mandarin) after I drink the juice and I have to eat some hot food to warm it up a little. a little kiasi ... :}

    Final Verdict:
    Have to wait till I give birth to see for myself if this is really true. But for now, just do it (with moderation though) since it is kind of like "proven".

    Will update this after my delivery............

    Kick, Kick, Kick !

    Frequent wriggling routine:

    • morning when I wake up or when I said "Good morning" /"早安"
    • Around 6-7pm+ - Dinner time! - maybe telling mummy "Dinner time soon, I wanna eat !"
    • Around 8-10pm+ - When watching TV or when playing music or surfing the net etc....

    Frequent kicking routine: Mostly after 3pm and then on/off until 11+pm

    Special style moves: 

    • 3 continuous kicks (imagine Bruce Lee punching you 3 time continuously -with lesser force of course, or muay thai boxing - haha) ; sometimes it feels like a continuous knee-jerk reaction, like a trigger.... 
    • "Swimming" - see post.
    • "waving" - imagine National Day Parade/Kallang wave - from left to right, or sometimes right to left.
    • "Swinging" - imagine your hand one up and the other down 
    • 1 small light punch in the middle of the tummy
    • Tickling sensation in the tummy - slightly below my belly button
    So, sometimes, I just tap the same position where she did her action and she sometimes actually respond at the same spot too. hub also did the same thing and he was intrigued and amused by her reaction. But the irritating part is he always want to "play" with her by tapping on my tummy whenever I managed to soothe her before I sleep. GRRrrrr.

    Tuesday, 8 November 2011

    Dubious Post in forum: 3rd Trimester Pregnant Ladies Needed

    In case you see posts similar to the following:

    Post in forum: 3rd Trimester Pregnant Ladies Needed

    Think twice.

    After seeing her posts in :
    a)   (for GAP outfits)
    b)  (for M&S outfits)

    I emailed my enquiry.

    But a few dubious points :

    1. Why they need to come to Singapore in just 1 day ? Isn't it a waste of money? With that kind of money, might as well engaged a professional and we are getting paid for it!

    2. "Please see 8th Aug 2011 Singapore Straits Times article about us." I later managed to get hold of the hard copy, but found nothing on lamodels or anything mentioning on maternity shots.
    She should at least clarify which page, but didn't - just ask for my details and photo.

    3. No official procedures mentioned.

    4. and then she posted in the forum, "thanks to all who attended on the 11th sept. hope you enjoyed and got the experience while being paid!" - but no one responded to her....sharing the experience etc.

    Then after checking with fellow forumers- chocobaby and alisa- who also responded to her email, they had quite different responses but enough to generate suspicion. So we didn't carry on the correspondence and nothing happened in the end. (Update: chocobaby - was requested to send photo in bikini or lingerie ! ; alisa - was told there was an article in April, but when she asked the photographer to send a scanned copy of the article, some excuses was given - duh !)

    Of course, the next best to clarify is to email GAP and M&S to check if they really engage/authorise such person, company to do photography. But for me, I think the above pts just puts me off. (pt 2 is obvious enough.- just cook up a date- far enough but still recent in hoping that people won't check?)

    The following shows my correspondences with J. B., Just to share and warn all ladies:

    I refer to you post in -
    I was just wondering you are located in California, so how are you going to take photos of ladies in Singapore ?

    Hello M

    Yes i am based in California. We do the shoots in singapore at the esplanade. The team flies in for the shoots and we put up at Marina Mandarin Singapore.
    The shoots are for 1 day only and we conclude everything on the day itself. Please see 8th Aug 2011 Singapore Straits Times article about us.
    Visit our site
    Jessie Baylin

    Hello Jessie,
    I tried checking "PRESS" on for the scanned copy of the Straits Times article but couldn't find any.
    Anyway, I don't have the hard copies of the archives.
    What sort of details do you need ?
    What criteria are you looking for the maternity shots ?
    Will I be able to have a copy of the photo taken if i were to be selected for the shot ?


    Hello M
    Yes you will surely get the shoots for yourself as well.
    Vital Statistics:
    Stomach Circumference:
    Your images of yourself.
    Jessie Baylin
    Hope the above helps.

    If anyone who really went through the maternity shoots and would like to clarify and share, please feel free to do so. Thanks !

    [Note: I have also posted the above in so as to warn those who come across the post.]

    Sleeping Position

    I have been sleeping in a lying-on-my-back-facing the ceiling position for the past few weeks as baby will just "swim" upwards and "piak" her thighs/legs onto my tummy if I were to turn at the left or right side for too long. Whenever this happens, I felt my chest gets tightened and I can't breathe easily. =(

    So what I did was to lie on my back and then hush-hush her while stroking my tummy and then she will "swim" downwards. Then again, at certain days, I can lie on my left side without any problem. hmm.
    Maybe she just feels better or have more space to wriggle when I lie on my back? urgh.

    Monday, 7 November 2011

    My Tollyjoy stuff

    Guess what ?

    My mum is so good at keeping old stuff that she still has my baby wear, tollyjoy dress, and powder puff which she dug out from the storeroom !!! She even has this manual breast pump that she used back then. Super old school design. (can donate to museum...)

    The clothings are still in very good condition - just slight yellowish along the lining and some looks as good as new ! I can't imagine my little babe is wearing my own clothings. =}

    Think I should take some of the pictures and post them soon. heh.

    Sunday, 6 November 2011

    Weight as at 5 Nov 2011

    I am 59.50 kg today !
    Baby = 2.5 kg

    Baby has grown about half a kg during the last 2 weeks !

    So hopefully baby will weigh around 3 kg by the time she is ready to come out - just nice for natural delivery.

    (See also: average fetal length & weight chart)

    Saturday, 5 November 2011

    Breast Feeding thoughts

    Actually this post is quite embarrassing...cos I think my cup sizes are bigger than B, but not yet C. (like "I am not a girl but not yet a woman??") 

    I was comparing to my colleague who was preggy 2 years ago and hers was like WOW - (BIG C I think.) The problem is: do I have enough milk to breastfeed? : (

    I read the breastfeeding booklet given out during parentcraft lessons and it states  "Demand = Supply" - you just need to let the baby latch on and the milk will flow. Urgh. Hopefully my milk flows out sufficiently for my baby.

    Tuesday, 1 November 2011

    Baby & Mummy Essentials & Hospital admission Checklist

    Here is what I downloaded from mummysg :

    Baby's Room
    [ ] Baby's cot
    [ ] Cot mattress x 1
    [ ] Cot bedsheet Covers/ Bumpers x 1 set
    [ ] Cot pillow / bolsters x 2 sets
    [ ] Cot mattress Protector x 1
    [ ] Cot bed lining x 1
    [ ] Wind-up mobiles x 1
    [ ] Baby's monitor x 1 set
    [ ] Waterproof mat x 1
    [ ] Blanket x 2
    [ ] Chest of drawers x 1
    [ ] Bean sprout pillows x 2
    Baby's Clothes
    [ ] Pacifiers
    [ ] Mittens x 5
    [ ] Socks/ Bootees x 5
    [ ] Bibs x 5
    [ ] Jump suits/ Rompers (short sleeve) x 5
    [ ] Jump suits/ Rompers (long sleeve) x 5
    [ ] Short sleeves / Long sleeves Tops x 5
    [ ] Long pants x 5
    [ ] Face towels x 10
    [ ] Nappy/ Nappy liners
    [ ] Bath towels (with hoods) x 2-4
    [ ] Tummy covers
    Hygiene/ Bath Items
    [ ] Short stool x 1
    [ ] Nail clipper/ scissors x 1
    [ ] Bath sponge x 1
    [ ] Baby shampoo x 1 bottle
    [ ] Safety pins x 1 pack
    [ ] Cotton balls x 1 pack
    [ ] Baby Wipes x 2-3 packs
    [ ] Bath tub x 1
    [ ] Non slip mat x 1
    [ ] Baby bath x 1 bottle
    [ ] Baby oil x 1 bottle
    [ ] Baby powder with puff x 1 tin
    [ ] Baby lotion x 1
    [ ] Diapers - Newborn Size/ S Size x 2
    [ ] Sanitizer
    [ ] Baby's Laundry Powder
    Care for the Umbilical Cord Stump
    [ ] Sterile swab applicators
    [ ] Sterile cotton swabs
    [ ] Sterile container for cord spirit x 1
    [ ] Cord spirit x 1 bottle
    Medical Items
    [ ] Cream for nappy rash (Destin) x 1
    [ ] Oil for wind x 1 bottle - Ru Yi Oil
    [ ] Gripe water x 1 bottle
    [ ] Thermometer x 1
    For Feeding Baby
    [ ] Steam sterilizer x 1 set
    [ ] Warmer x 1
    [ ] Milk bottles x 4 - 2 big + 2 small
    [ ] Teats
    [ ] Tongs x 1
    [ ] Bottle/teat scrub brush x 1
    [ ] Milk containers x 1 set
    For Nursing
    [ ] Breast pump x 1 set
    [ ] BM Storage bottles
    [ ] Storage bags x 1 box
    [ ] Nursing bras x 2
    [ ] Nursing Tops
    [ ] Nursing/ breast pads x 1 box
    [ ] Cream for sore nipples x 1 - Destin
    Accessories (for later stage)
    [ ] Play pen x 1
    [ ] Walker x 1
    [ ] Stairgates/ doorgates x 1
    [ ] Rubber/ corner protectors
    [ ] High chair x 1
    [ ] Bouncer
    [ ] Stroller x 1
    [ ] Baby carrier x 1 - Ergo
    [ ] Pram x 1
    Mummy Care
    [ ] Confinement Lady + Herbs
    [ ] Jamu Massage
    [ ] Bedroom slippers
    For Jamu Massage
    [ ] Mattress
    [ ] 1 large towel
    [ ] 2 small towel
    Packing for Labour (Hospital)
    For mum:
    [ ] Slipper x 1 pair
    [ ] Nightdress/ pajamas x 2
    [ ] Face towel x 1
    [ ] Nursing bra x 2
    [ ] Breast pads x 4 pairs
    [ ] Disposable maternity panties x 3-5
    [ ] Sanitary pads x 1 pack
    [ ] Cardigan/ Sweater x 1
    [ ] Toiletries x 1 set
    [ ] Socks x 1 pair
    [ ] Ipad, mag, camera, HP charger, etc
    [ ] Aloe Vera cream x 1 tube
    [ ] Nipple cream x 1 tube - Destin
    For baby:
    [ ] Long sleeve tops + long pants x 1 set
    [ ] Mittens + botties/ sock x 1 pair
    [ ] Baby's Blanket x 1
    [ ] Baby's knitted cap x 1
    Additional: If u are delivering at TMC, u will be provided with a essential pack consisting of
    - Baby vests
    - Disposable diapers
    - Toiletries
    - Maternity bag
    - Baby blanket
    - A pair of mittens 

    For Mount Alvernia, this is what I have been asked to bring (stated in the Parent Craft booklet):

    Preparation for Admission
    • Doctor's letter and blood results
    • Husband and wife's identity cards/passports
    • Marriage Certificate
    • 4 nighties with front opening (or loose T-shirts)
    • Breast pads
    • Maternity bras (1-2 sizes larger than your normal size)
    • Cotton panties
    • 2 boxes of maternity pads (optional)
    • A pair of slippers
    • Toiletries
    • 2 pairs of mittens (optional)
    • 2 pairs of booties (optional)
    • 1 vest
    • 1 baby blanket (to keep baby warm on discharge)
    I have packed all (even if it states optional) - very kiasu. = }

    Monday, 31 October 2011

    Baby room Ideas

    I have been thinking of decorating baby's room with lots of colours and cuteness ^__^. But my dear hub thought it might be too early as baby only eat, sleep, poo (you get the drift) and will not appreciate the design. Of course, as usual, one of his first questions "How much?", "Have you done budgeting?" "What's the plan?" boo. 

    What I want to do together with him was brain-storming of ideas....but anyhow. 

    Here are some of my findings:
    Project Nursery

    Design Sponge - Best of Kids Rooms


    I gotta get my creative juices out soon. Hmm.

    Sake Sushi

    Need a break. So I took one day off today before the beginning of the month reporting madness.
    Suddenly I crave for Japanese food. So here I come - Sake Sushi (not that it's super delicious but nearest to my place.)

    1. Spicy Idako Maki - 6 pcs (The seasoned chopped octopus wrapped in the rice roll stuffed with cucumber in between, coated with spicy seasoning powder and topped with lobster salad with mayonise).
    2. Curry chicken Udon
    I don't think I can ever finish the above if I weren't preggy (and I would probably not order the above), not to mention drinking honey lemon (1 bottle from the medicated hall) + 1 slice of mago cake from Bengawan Solo. Yum!

    Guess my little babe loves them. =)

    Major Event Log I

    My pregnancy is coming to an end soon. Thus I thought of having a brief summary of major events/turning points:
    1. March  (1st Trimester) - Holidaying in Korea; had very good appetite but I thought it was due to the cold weather. Was feeling extremely lethargic during my business trip in Shanghai but I thought it was due to continuous travelling KOR-SIN then SIN-SHA. 
    2. April - Had a extreme stomach-ache (like menstrual cramp) while on night flight from SHA to SIN. Didn't sense anything amiss until end April. Went for a check-up with gynae and confirmed the good news. [ FAQ: "Where was baby conceived?" Seriously, I don't know, cos my menstrual period was quite irregular this year. Urgh. So, in the end, my answer to all is: "We made love everyday!" whatever. @_@ ] 
    3. May - Down with sore throat and flu. Extremely tired. Think of nothing except the bed. Feeling nauseous everyday, unable to burp properly. Vomiting is a norm. Look like a zombie.
    4. June (2nd Trimester) - Getting better, but still can't drink water. Have to depend on other types of liquid. Gotta feed on Hudson/hacks sweets almost everyday. Craving changes slightly.
    5. July - Sick of Ribena and start drinking more of orange juice. Start eating some fish.
    6. August - Start drinking water and fish taste normal now. 
    7. September (3rd Trimester) - Change of gynae. Able to swallow pills without much hassle. Start attending parent-craft lessons and doing exercises such as pelvic stretch and breathing techniques (lazy but getting some momentum -__-). Can step into more crowded places without feeling nauseous. Start to develop more phlegm.
    8. October - Appetite is better than before but still need smaller meals with frequent intervals. Baby's head is down. Getting myself prepared for child-birth -baby check-list, packing bag for hospital, room-cleaning. 
    9. November - ???
    10. December - ???
    To be updated ... ...

    Saturday, 29 October 2011

    How much have I spent ......

    ... so far just on maternity clothings:

    1. Toa Payoh Central: (around May/June 2011) - 3 Triumph Bra + 2 Triumph Panties + 1 Triumph nursing bra = $80+  (can't remember exact amount, but there was a promotion)
    2. Toa Payoh Central: (as above) - 2 Tops ($39.00 +$14.00) + 1 3/4-pants ($15.90) = $68.90
    3. AMK Market: (around June 2011) - 2 3/4-pants ($24) + 1 Tunic ($22.00) = $46.00
    4. Asos Online: 31/7/2011 - 2 Tops (GBP 8.00 + 16.00) + 1Tunic (GBP 12.00) = GBP 36.00 = $73.05
    5. Sinma: 24/09/2011- Panties-XL (2 for $4.90) + Bra (3 for $9.90) = $14.80           
    6. Moms-rus:  8/10/2011 - 2  Nursing Tops ($25.00 + $28.00) + bra extenders (2 in a pack: $4.00) = $57.00 
    7. Baby Expo 2011: 21/10/2011 - 1 long pants ($25.00) + 1 nursing dress ($19.00) = $34.00
    8. BJlingerie: 29/10/2011 - Panties-XXL (3 for $10.00) + 1 nursing bra ($8.90) = $18.90 
             TOTAL: $392.65

    Note: The above excludes 2 tops and 1 bottom bought by my mum-in-law for me.

    Thanks to the pass-me-down tops and dresses from my mum, sis-in-law and colleagues, I don't have to spend more. I can't imagine the amount I need to spend just on clothings without the pass-me-downs. =|

    Mug Root Beer

    It has been quite some time since I last drank Mug Root Beer.
    But my craving came as I saw the drinks stall selling it in cans.
    In the end, hub bought a bottle to "share" with me - I can only drink at most one-third of the bottle due to the sugar content, but better than nothing. heh.

    Stretch Marks

    I just bought Jorubi Aloe Vera Gel  from Unity pharmacy - hopefully it can soothe the itchiness around my belly button area, some parts of the tummy and my legs (there goes my blemish-free legs). I read that Aloe Vera Gel can also prevent stretch marks, lighten recent scars and relieve skin irritation so I just gotta give it a try.

    I am not sure if it works but I know for sure it is definitely a good treatment for burns and bruises as I remembered that I used the aloe vera sap from the plant at my mum's mini garden to apply for my younger bro when he accidentally scald himself with an iron. His skin was swollen but after application, the bruise mark subsided and no scarring detected later.

    Currently I am using the following for stretch marks:
    1. Elancyl - Stretch Mark Prevention - buttocks and back thighs (cos I can't stand the smell - not that it is very smelly, just that the smell gets stronger when you apply the lotion generously - thanks to my sensitive nose during pregnancy - so the application is at the back of my body.)
    2. Clarins - Stretch Mark Control - tummy and around breasts area
    3. Clarins - Tonic Body Treatment Oil - tummy and front thighs
    4. Johnson & Johnson baby Oil (non greasy) - all over body (just to moisturise)
    Still, I can see very faint "white spots" - like stretch mark is emerging around my thigh area. Urgh - what I can seek comfort now is the word - faint - who knows it will become obvious later?

    Perhaps I was not diligent enough as I started applying on alternate days after my first trimester for a few weeks before I apply it everyday. Even then, I didn't really "massage" with the lotion and oil cos I was just too tired. It was only in the middle of second trimester that I started to take it seriously.

    Well, let's see what happens to my skin after the delivery. =\

    Bean Sprout Pillow

    The following are some of the websites I found about bean sprout pillow:

    1. Bean Sprout Pillow - for the fuss-free mummies
    2. Pupsik Studio - for the fussy mummies
    3. DIY Bean Sprout Pillow - for those hands-on mummies
    I think for this, I fall under the number 1 category, but as my aunt -姑 told my mum she will sew for 1 bean sprout pillow and bolster for baby, so I don't have to worry too much on this. yeay !

    Tuesday, 25 October 2011

    Baby Blues

    Baby blues is one of the comic relieves I count on these days besides Dilbert.

    While watching my baby's development is heart-warming,

    Baby Blues

    I can't imagine what it is going to be for me during times like this ....

    Baby Blues Archive
    = |

    Monday, 24 October 2011

    Hair Cut

    Just had a hair cut at Jean Yip. I was walking and along the salon and thought I should just cut my hair shorter to prepare for the delivery and confinement. Anyway my hair looks like a brush now. With natural wave/curls, you can imagine the ends of the hair curl up everywhere it likes when your hair is around your neck area. =(

    Hope I don't look too auntie. eeks.

    Green Beans !

    Lately, there are more pimples/rash-like dots popping around my neck and back (again!) and tummy (new!).
    Instead of using tea tree oil ointment, I have been using green beans - going natural -although tea tree oil is safe to use during pregnancy. (Thanks to my colleague for sharing this):
    1. Soak some green beans in a small bowl of water for 1 hour (half hour or even slightly longer).
    2. You will see the colour of the water turn slightly yellowish.
    3. You may wish to put it in the fridge to make it cooler. 
    4. Dip cotton wool in the water and dab the cotton wool onto the affected areas. (something like a toner.)
    5. Use it for at most 2 days (if place in fridge) 
    6. Use new green beans and repeat the steps above if you need more days of application.
    It works for me - at least the "dots" subsided, but it doesn't help in removing any scar, at most, it lessen the scarring effect. If you were to try it, let me know if it works for you.

    Note: See previous post for other "antidotes"

    Sunday, 23 October 2011

    Weight and baby position as at 22 October 2011

    1) Weight
    I am 58.20 kg today !
    Baby = 2.019 kg
    Doc. said she is on the smaller side (so easier to give birth ? * heh*)

    How much weight have I gained - excluding baby's? 
    Calculation : 58.20 - 47.50 - 2.019 = 8.68 kg

    So, I am gaining weight gradually which is a good thing.
    Anyhow, I will continue to eat to healthily so that baby will get all the nutrition! :)

    2) Baby Position
    Yeah! She finally turn her her head down! (Good job, girl!)
    I am not sure if the actions helped (but I have been doing 1. Visualising and 7. Massage regularly) cos sometimes baby can position themselves in the "last minute" - as late as 36 weeks. So *fingers-crossed* - hopefully she maintains head-down. =D

    Saturday, 22 October 2011

    Baby Expo 2011

    Baby Expo 2011

    As I have got many pass-me-down items from my sis-in-law and relatives, I don't really need to get stuff like baby cot, play-pen, stroller, cloth diapers etc. I was actually checking out the AVENT steriliser but the price doesn't seem to be too attractive. In the end, I got stuff for myself at the fair. *bleh*
    - 1 maternity long pants ($25)
    - 1 maternity nursing dress ($19 - clearance sale!)

    What I need to do now:
    1. Pack my bag to the hospital
    2. Go through the check-list on baby essential items
    3. Review parent-craft reading materials on how to care for baby
    4. Review again which cord blood banking provider to sign up: Cordlife or Stemcord.

    Gotta shoo my procrastination germs away.

    Friday, 21 October 2011

    Massage Techniques

    Something I learnt from ParentCraft class for back massage:

    I must say hubby learns fast and his massage skills is pretty good.

    Thanks dear!