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Sunday, 29 December 2013

upside down !

come bro, let's hold hands no no....i prefer holding dad's legs....   

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Xmas at Marina Bay Sands

woah...daddy can I bring the decor home, pls?

Xmas "present"

Guess what? Hub spent Xmas eve and Xmas @ KKH A&E with yx this year.

2:00 am+ : yx was coughing non-stop, and feeling breathless
2:30 am: hub rush her to kkh while I stayed home with yr
3:00 am: On express queue - on breathalyser and then take x-ray, need to wait for 1 hour for medication to take effect and review x-ray
4:00 am+: condition stabilise, and she is her normal self again, singing and talking to herself.
5:00 am: reach home ZZzzz.....

Apparently, her body is trying to cough out the phlegm but as we gave her cough syrup earlier, it is opposing what the body is doing which caused the breathlessness. So now is kindda tricky: should we give her cough medication when she cough? And I have yet to know the definite answer. It's really like a "damn if i do damn if i don't" kind of situation. One thing for sure is that she should not be consuming Salbutamol - a drug that helps to open the airways- on a long term basis, cos this might lead to Asthma as cautioned by the doc.

This is the 2nd time she was on breathalyser. The previous time was in November at the paediatrician. I hope she don't have to go through this again. Sometimes I really hate the fact that she has to go to childcare but then again, she will face similar issues when she goes to school where she will also be exposed to bacteria, and viruses. It's heart-breaking to see her cough at such tender age, I really hope her body will be stronger next year.