I was reminded by the importance of Literature when I chanced upon my friend Ling's poem via Facebook where she dug up
her old poem in the2ndrule.com.
Summer Vanguard (forefront)
{Summer skies --
Dreams are percolating
Rain is ruminating
things are not what they seem to be --}
So we would like to -eat
the bread of idleness -poke,
Fritter away our sun shadows -loll,
These languorous days of tree-leafed azure
Otherwise silvered second slots
Trusted for the rush of winds
Quarter this day birds allude to
All sun. All blue. Grey. Rain.
Spinning the world to oblivion
Tethering on silver Adonis drawn
Skates. Trailing across gold handed waves of
Blue robes.
The day is gone-- But Night
Spins River Nile diamonds
Mirror of fire cities or Elysian memories?
No bother-- we are dissipating
this world in stupored pilled dreams.
- Sherlyn Xie
I have written poems (oh, does Haiku count? ha..) while I was in secondary school, but none of them as sophisticated as this. Ironically, my Lit grades were not as fantastic as I must admit that my emotional maturity level was simply not aligned with my intellectual level (and/or vice versa) and that I concentrated on subjects such as Chemistry and Maths that gives more weight and definition. Honestly, I have "thrown away" most of the theories except for some. I guess the only Chemistry is what binds me and my hubby now (haha!) and Maths is probably more of "Financial Modelling" of everyday life where costs of living in Singapore is getting higher, not to mention that the rate of inflation has increased over the years.
Yes, you have the usual collections such as:
- A Midsummer Night's Dream - William Shakespeare
- Macbeth -William Shakespeare
- The Merchant of Venice - William Shakespeare
- Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
- To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
But the following are interesting too:
- A Man For All Seasons - Robert Bolt
- Dragon Seed - Pearl S. Buck
- Emily of the Emerald Hill - Stella Kon
- The Endless Steppe - Esther Hautzig
- The House of Sixty Fathers - Meindert Dejong
- The Village by the Sea - Anita Desai
Over the years of growing up, I understand the value of Literature - the importance of hardship, perseverance, resilience, humility, ethical dilemma, managing multiple, conflicting perspectives and the intrinsic value of life which is beyond what Science or Maths could offer. It is true that life can be better understood with real experience but I would say Literature gives a foundation to increasing the awareness and deeper understanding of the various aspects of human knowledge.
I would definitely encourage my children to read widely and to question whatever they read. Suddenly, it seems to me that it was not too long ago since I have completed my basic education yet the memories are faint.
Mummy and daddy don't know everything, but we will definitely do our best to guide you.